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Katahdin Forest Products is always purchasing good quality cedar

Prices vary and include delivery to Oakfield, Ashland, and/or Chester mill. Scaling hours are Monday-Friday 7 AM - 3:30 PM. Call Dave Gordon at 207-757-9342.

Contact us with any of the following:




  1. Minium top of 4"

  2. Minimum butt size of 8"

  3. Tree butts 12" to 16" need 4" sound wood on 3 faces

  4. Tree butts 11" and under should have zero rot

  5. Tree butts over 16" need 5" sound wood on 3 faces

  6. No major sweep over 2" on a 10' span

  7. No crotches

  8. No seams

  9. No dead trees

  10. No crushed wood or broken pieces

  11. All limbs have to be removed and cut flush with the hole of the stem

  12. No excessive blackheart, pencil rot, or ant or woodpecker holes




​ Only the whole tree minus butting for rot will be accepted. We will not purchase round wood if part of the tree is missing. All round dimensions are measured underneath the bark.




  1. Minium top of 4"

  2. Minimum butt size of 8"

  3. 25% of the stems must have 8" top at 8'

  4. No crotches

  5. Tree butts 11" and under should have zero rot

  6. Tree butts 11" to 16" need 4" sound wood on 3 faces

  7. Tree butts over 16" need 5" sound wood on 3 faces

  8. No major sweep over 2" on a 10' span

  9. No seams 

  10. No dead trees or woodpecker holes

  11. No crushed wood or broken pieces

  12. First cut must be 19' long

  13. Place 2nd cut on pile as long as it is a minimum of 12' log with a 4" top




Only the whole tree minus butting for rot will be accepted. We will not purchase round wood if part of the tree is missing. All round dimensions are measured underneath the bark.




Any wood with blackheart will be culled.





  1. Minium top of 5"

  2. Minimum butt of 8"

  3. No crotches will be accepted 

  4. No splits will be accepted 

  5. Length 8'3" + or - 1.5" 

  6. Up to 1 inch of center rot allowed, no pencil rot 

  7.  Log must have no more than 2" sweep in its length

  8. At least 25% of the load must have a minimum of an 8" top




Only the whole tree minus butting for rot will be accepted. We will not purchase round wood if part of the tree is missing. All round dimensions are measured underneath the bark.




Any wood with blackheart over 2" will be culled.


Prices vary and include delivery to Oakfield, Ashland, and/or Chester mill. Scaling hours are Monday-Friday 7 AM - 3:30 PM. Call Dave Gordon at 207-757-9342.

Do You Have Questions?

Contact us with any questions about our products or pricing information


Factory Store: 207-757-9341

Main Office: 207-757-8971



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